Recreational Assistant ??

2011-03-07 2:53 pm
Imagine that you are the Recreational Assistant of an insurance company. Your company is going to offer an incentive trip to a group of sales people ( 50 in tatal ). Read the cruise schedule below and suggest a cruise date to your company. The sales business usually slows during weekends, so weekends are a good to offer this incentive.

The sales business usually slows during weekends.整句怎解,,尤其 ( slows during )

回答 (1)

2011-03-07 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The sales business usually slows during weekends, 意思係, 週末生意比較淡/少, 唔係太忙。

2011-03-07 07:28:16 補充:
during = 在...期間的某一時候
during weekends = 在週末期間
slow = 使慢, 放慢-->business slows (verb) = 生意放慢﹐即係無禁忙。
參考: My knowledge

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