我需要翻譯這句...拜託幫個忙吧各位 我不要翻譯機的

2011-03-07 10:00 am



拜託不要翻譯機的 要給外國客人參考用的


回答 (8)

2011-03-07 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
By adding 20 dollars, you can upgrade what you just ordered to another set meal whose soup and beverage are for free..
參考: American
2011-03-08 2:51 am
安安^^ 試譯如下,如有問題可以再修正: 以上餐點加20元升級套餐,附湯品及飲料任選>> Add extra $20 to the meal just ordered to upgrade to the set meal with soup & drink of your choice. @ 一般餐廳套餐 → set meal/menuCombo →是專指麥當勞套餐(漢堡+薯條+可樂);但這裡是指一般餐廳的套餐,有所不同 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§學英文不要怕犯錯,但要常用文法只是參考,勿需太拘泥 §§
2011-03-07 7:55 pm
Meals above plus $ 20 upgrade package, with Tang Pin and drinks optional
2011-03-07 3:46 pm
You can upgrade your order to a combo meal by adding 20 dollars extra. It will come with soup and drink of your choice.
參考: 自己住美國多年
2011-03-07 3:17 pm
Margaret寫的比較自然,其他都怪怪的,白話:By add 20 dollars extra, you can make it a meal, 讓客人以為不升級就不給吃 meal 恐怕不大好吧

單點- a la carte
套餐- combo meal
飲料任選-beverage of your choice

2011-03-07 17:38:16 補充:
add = extra

add + extra = redundant
2011-03-07 11:18 am
add $20 to upgrade above meals to a combo, with soup and drink of your choice


2011-03-07 17:40:58 補充:
dark helmet... you are so funny... haha...
2011-03-07 11:11 am
You can choose a soup or drink if you add 20 dollars to upgrade your meal to
a set.


但是在這 我把它弄白話一點

以上餐點+20$ 升級套餐. 在外國的講法是這樣的.

By add 20 dollars extra, you can make it a meal, that includes soup and drink. 只要+20元, 你可以升級為套餐, 附湯跟飲料.

在這 我想確認一下. "及" 你的意思是說~~湯 跟 飲料~~"其中一個"的話

就要變這樣-->By add 20 dollars extra, you can make it a meal, that includes soup or drink.

這樣的回答是比較口語話的, 如果在菜單上面 就不能這樣說了.

有事情在問我 或寫信 [email protected]

2011-03-07 10:02 am
You can choose a soup or drink if you add 20 dollars to upgrade your meal to
a set.

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