How do I get my daughter to accept that I'm going to have another baby?

2011-03-07 6:44 am
My little daughter is almost 3 years old and I am pregnant with a baby girl. My daughter does not seem interested one bit in my pregnancy, and when I talk to her about it she suddenly gets upset and fussy and says she does not want me to have this baby. How do I make her more interested and accepting before my baby girl is born?

回答 (8)

2011-03-07 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Click on the link to read the entire article below...

"For a child who is used to getting all the attention, a new sibling can seem like competition. The older child may feel left out and pressured to grow up, which can create short-term and long-term problems for both siblings and parents..."
參考: How to Help Your Child Accept a New Baby - :-)
2011-03-07 2:53 pm
Toddlers have alot of attachment to their parents.
She probably is jealous because she doesnt want the baby to take her place.

Instead of making it about you or the baby, make it about her.
Tell her how shes going to be a big sister and how proud you are of her.
Make her feel involved
2011-03-07 3:09 pm
I agree with some of the above. talk to her how she is going to be a big sister. and even get her involved with helping to prepare for her new baby sister.... if you go to buy baby stuff, get her to pick out some cloths for her baby sister...and tell her "why don't you pick a couple things out for you baby sister as a day you baby sister when she is old enough she will buy you a gift as well...."

I wouldn't get her hopes up to actually help with the feeding...especially with a new born...a 3 year old isn't strong enough to hold a new born for so long...but yes maybe she can help you with changing the baby.......singing to the baby....

good luck
2011-03-07 3:00 pm
Help her understand that this will be HER baby too. Let her know she can help feed her and change her and even get to hold her. Make sure she knows that even though she wont be THE baby anymore she will always be YOUR baby. Include her in as much as possible even though she may not be interested now, things may turn around when the baby arrives. I am 38 weeks pregnant and have a 3 year old little girl as well who did NOT want anything to do with this and when the subject came up her response was to cry and say "I'm the baby!" it was pitiful! as your belly grows she will get used to it (at very least) and may even be like mine and come to look forward to having someone smaller than her to boss around. Good Luck!
2011-03-07 2:53 pm
Put her in timeout. Just kidding, Talk to her about how you need her help. Get her really involved in some big decision that needs to be made for this baby. (Bedding color, outfit baby wears home from hospital, maybe make her a tee she can wear to visit baby, or help her pick out small gift to give to baby) She will come around I'm sure. My son is 3 but we have 19 mth old too. When he sees a baby he says, "Look at that SWEET baby." Then asks when I'm going to have another, so it could be opposite for you! 3 year olds always want opposite of what they have!
2011-03-07 5:32 pm
i think u can explain to her about how wonderful it would be when she would got a sis.
2011-03-07 3:44 pm
My little girl is about to turn 4 and I am 27 weeks pregnant with a boy.
My daughter is very excited for her little brother because of encouragement. I tell her, "You are going to be such a great big sister!" and "Your brother is so lucky to have such a great big sister!" Little ones like to think they are helping so involve her with the babies stuff..Picking out clothing and bedding and stuff..She will appreciate it. Also I tell my daughter things like, "Your baby brother loves hearing your voice why dont you sing to him?" She puts her mouth my belly and sings him a song..I think its a great way to have her bond with her brother..She is looking forward to being a big sister.
2011-03-07 3:00 pm
There are books on this subject at the library that you could read to her, about welcoming a baby to the home. Spend more time with her and tell her she's important to you, and she will always be special because she was first.

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