Was Obama invited to the royal wedding?

2011-03-06 4:50 am
I believe I read a tabloid cover saying he wasn't. Is that true?

回答 (12)

2011-03-06 7:35 am
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Presidents and Prime ministers are not invited, has nothing to do with the Obama's. Only other Royalty, friends and family, about 2000.
Since William is not even the next in line for the king, Charles is. Since he's merely the grandson of the Queen, there's a lot of grandchildren, It is not appropriate to invite heads of other countries.
2011-03-06 5:03 am
Yes, that is true. Since the wedding is not a state affair, protocol does not require inviting heads of state. I have read in a news account of the Obama visit to Buckingham palace that Queen Elizabeth was highly offended when she was physically touched on the arm or shoulder by Michelle Obama (big no-no to touch Her Majesty) and told her staff that she never wanted to be in the presence of "that woman" again.
2011-03-06 5:12 am
If the Royal Couple were smart- they didn't invite Him. This Special Occasion is supposed to be about THEM; NOT Who's sitting in Attendance. ;)
2011-03-06 6:50 am
Those invited for sure they have birth certificates.
2011-03-06 5:36 am
Who cares, its a freakin wedding. There are other things in the world to worry about than who will be there or not.
2011-03-06 5:26 am
What royal wedding ? THE royal wedding ?
How many world royalty families are there ?
The only two I respect are the Thais and the Dutch.

The people of Thailand greatly honour and respect their King.
The world's longest reigning King is Thailand.

Queen Beatrice of Holland grants everyone free transport for the long weekend on her birthday in April.
Could you ever see Britain doing that ?
They are a disgrace a joke and all about self instead of the people !
2011-03-06 4:58 am
No, he wasn't. Royalty is just a word. You get to be royalty by being descended from a mass murderer who took over a whole country. Big whoop.
2011-03-06 5:04 am
No he wasn't; yes it is true. It is my understanding that the only head of state who has been invited who isn't a member of royalty is the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron.

By the way, if there was a breach of protocol between Mrs. Obama and Queen Elizabeth, it was mutual. The London Daily Mail gave the incident thorough coverage, including photos:

"She is not renowned for public displays of affection. Which made the Queen's decision to put a friendly arm around Michelle Obama's waist at a Buckingham Palace G20 reception - prompting the U.S. President's wife to return the gesture - so utterly astonishing.
Finding herself next to Mrs Obama, the Queen remarked on their height difference. As she did so, her hand edged towards the small of Mrs Obama's back. Mrs Obama responded - and even rubbed the Queen's shoulder - before both women moved gently apart after about ten seconds.
The sight of the Queen publicly hugging another woman astonished other guests. An onlooker said: 'It was a pretty simultaneous gesture. We couldn't believe what we were seeing.'
It was an electrifying moment of palpable majesté: A breach of centuries-long protocol when the friendly and outgoing Michelle Obama put her arm round the Queen.
It now appears, however, that it may have been the Queen who made the initial move. In any case, it was the first time that anyone can remember in her long public life that she has put her arm around another woman.
'A mutual and spontaneous display of affection and appreciation,' was how a Buckingham Palace spokesman hastened to describe it."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1166490/Ones-new-best-friend-The-Queen-Michelle-new-touchy-feely-protocol.html#ixzz1FnIo9fd8
2011-03-06 4:59 am
Same tabloid says "only friends were invited."

That is self explanatory.
A wedding is NOT a state affair
The guest list will probably be family and their age group mostly.
2011-03-07 8:32 pm
No, he was not. The snub was mostly in response to Obama returning the bust of Churchill to the UK (yes, you read me right) as one of his first official acts.
參考: Common knowledge.
2011-03-06 8:06 am
check out >>> www.vanani.com --- your source for social news and networking.!
參考: www.vanani.com
2011-03-06 7:51 am
No obama was not invited in royal wedding. i think all about royal wedding news.

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