
2011-03-05 8:36 pm
德蕾莎修女,(Mother Teresa of Calcutta,1910年8月27日—1997年9月5日,又稱做德蘭修女、德肋撒修女、泰瑞莎修女),是世界敬重的天主教慈善工作者,主要替印度加爾各答的窮人服務。於1979年得到諾貝爾和平獎。並被教宗若望·保祿二世在2003年10月列入了天主教宣福名單。目前德蕾莎修女的稱號也變為真福德蕾莎修女(Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)。

18歲時,她進了愛爾蘭羅雷托修會(Sisters of Loreto),並在都柏林及印度大吉嶺接受傳教士訓練工作,三學期後,德蕾莎修女正式到了印度的加爾各答,在聖瑪莉羅雷托修會中學擔任教職,主要是教地理。
1931年,德蕾莎正式成為修女,1937年5月更決定成為終身職的修女,並依法國19世紀最著名的修女聖女德莉莎(St. Theresa)的名字和精神,改名為德蕾莎修女。

回答 (4)

2011-03-15 4:59 am
Life: Mother Theresa, (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 1910 年 8 月 27 日 -1997 on September 5, also known as Mother Teresa, Sister Teresa, Mother Teresa), is the world's respect for the Catholic charity workers, mainly for the poor of Calcutta. In 1979 won the Nobel Peace Prize. By Pope John Paul II in October 2003 included a Catholic beatification list. Currently the title has become Mother Teresa Blessed Mother Teresa (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta). Story: 12 years old to join a Catholic charity for children, she felt their future career is to help poor 15 years old, she and her sister decided to accept the missionary training in India at the age of 18, she entered the Irish Luo Leituo Sisters (Sisters of Loreto), and in Dublin and Darjeeling received training missionaries for three semesters, the Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India formally to the 圣玛莉罗雷托 who has been teaching religious school, primarily to teach Geography. In 1931, De Leisha became a nun in May 1937 has decided to become life-long job of nuns, and according to the country's most famous 19th-century nun Joan De Lisha (St. Theresa) the name and spirit, renamed the De Leisha nuns. The early 1940s, Mother Teresa Sisters in 圣玛莉罗雷托 post secondary school as principal, but it was a very large gap between rich and poor in India, a peaceful campus, but outside the streets are all but helpless leprosy patients, beggars, street children. September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa's Convent Darjeeling to the rest of India for a year and a strong feel their hearts for the poor to return to Calcutta after her request to the local archbishop to leave school and religious, but has not permitted
2011-03-15 4:53 am
Mother Theresa, (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 1910 年 8 月 27 日 -1997 on September 5, also known as Mother Teresa, Sister Teresa, Mother Teresa), is the world respected the work of Catholic Charities , primarily for the poor of Calcutta. In 1979 won the Nobel Peace Prize. By Pope John Paul II in October 2003 included a Catholic beatification list. Currently the title has become Mother Teresa Blessed Mother Teresa (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta).

12-year-old children to join a Catholic charity, she felt their future career is to help poor
15 years old, she and her sister decided to accept the missionary training in India
At 18, she entered the Irish Luo Leituo Sisters (Sisters of Loreto), and in Dublin and Darjeeling, India, the missionaries received training, three semesters later, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India formally to the Shengmaliluo Barreto who has been teaching religious school, mainly to teach geography.
In 1931, De Leisha became a nun in May 1937 has decided to become life-long job of nuns, and according to the country's most famous 19th-century nun Joan De Lisha (St. Theresa) the name and spirit, renamed the De Leisha nuns.
The early 1940s, Mother Teresa Sisters in 圣玛莉罗雷托 post secondary school as principal, but it was a very large gap between rich and poor in India, a peaceful campus, but outside the streets are all but helpless leprosy patients, beggars, street children.
September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa's Convent Darjeeling to the rest of India for a year and a strong feel their hearts for the poor to return to Calcutta after her request to the local archbishop to leave school and religious, but has been denied permission.
參考: ME
2011-03-15 1:13 am
Biography:Mother Theresa, (Mother Teresa of Calcutta,1910, August 27-September 5, 1997, also known as de sub-Mother Teresa, Teresa, mother of Mother Teresa, German rib), is the world's respected Catholic charity workers, mainly for the India Calcutta's poor service. In 1979, the Nobel Peace Prize. And was Pope John · Catholic Xuan Fu of Pope Paul II in October 2003 in the list. Currently Terry-SA SA-nuns in the nun's title becomes really Ford (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta).

Rank:Joined a Catholic charity for children 12 years old when she felt the next job is to help poorAt the age of 15, she and her sister decided to India for missionary training workAt the age of 18, she entered the Ireland Luo Leituo Sisters (Sisters of Loreto), and in Dublin and India Darjeeling for missionary training work, after three semesters, Terry-SA nun formally to India Calcutta, in Saint Mary Luo Leituo secondary schools teach mainly taught geography.In 1931, Theresa officially became nuns, in May 1937, decided to become a lifelong vocational sisters, and the law of the 19th century's most famous nun Joan delisha (St. Theresa) and the name of spirit, renamed the Terry-SA nun.Early 1940 's, Terry SA-nuns in Holy Mary Luo Leituo middle school served as the post of President, but at that time India gap is very large, a peace in schools, but outside Street are helpless leprosy patients, beggars, street children.On September 10, 1946, Terry-SA nun to India Darjeeling convent to rest for a year, and strongly feel that you want to work for the poor of heart, after returning to the Calcutta, Bishop's request to leave her to the local school and Angers, but has denied license.
參考: Bing
2011-03-05 8:47 pm
De Leisha Teresa, (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 1910 年 8 月 27 日 -1997 on September 5, also known as Mother Teresa, Sister Teresa, Mother Teresa), is the world's respect for the Catholic Charities workers, mainly for the poor of Calcutta. In 1979 won the Nobel Peace Prize. By Pope John Paul II in October 2003 included a Catholic beatification list. Currently the title has become Mother Teresa Blessed Mother Teresa (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta).

12-year-old children to join a Catholic charity, she felt their future career is to help poor
15 years old, she and her sister decided to accept the missionary training in India
At 18, she entered the 爱尔兰罗雷托 religious (Sisters of Loreto), and in Dublin and Darjeeling received training missionaries for three semesters, the Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India formally to the Shengmaliluo Barreto who has been teaching religious school, mainly to teach geography.
In 1931, De Leisha became a nun in May 1937 has decided to become life-long job of nuns, and according to the country's most famous 19th-century nun Joan De Lisha (St. Theresa) the name and spirit, renamed the De Leisha nuns.
The early 1940s, Mother Teresa Sisters in 圣玛莉罗雷托 post secondary school as principal, but it was a very large gap between rich and poor in India, a peaceful campus, but outside the streets are all but helpless leprosy patients, beggars, street children.
September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa's Convent Darjeeling to the rest of India for a year and a strong feel their hearts for the poor to return to Calcutta after her request to the local archbishop to leave school and religious, but has been denied permission.

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