
2011-03-05 7:08 pm

回答 (5)

2011-03-05 10:23 pm
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其實正常情況下,有家庭先至有港孩.一個家庭,父母各自有工作,經濟冇問題,孩子有書讀,有正常既家庭生活,有溫暖.呢的港孩對社會有正面既影晌.並無壞處. 相反,一的父母離異又或者由未婚媽媽制造出來既港孩,就會令到呢個社會有深遠既影晌
2016-09-28 11:17 am
i can tell you that ! SO MANY
2011-03-06 2:08 am
港孩 is refer to children to that are too reliable and dependent that they are not able to take care of themselves. The cause of this problem is mainly because of their parents as they do not give them much chance to be independent and fulfill every request of their child. These kind of kids might have social problem as well as a weak mind as they don't have chances to learn from their mistake when they are small and when they face difficulties, they might not able to handle.
2011-03-05 9:17 pm
Well, they will become too dependent, and they cannot find a job in the society. They always want to reply on someone to help them do things.

However, I dun think that is much 港孩 in Hong Kong, at least I am not!
2011-03-05 7:14 pm

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