
2011-03-05 6:28 pm
唔該幫我將下面既翻譯做英文! thanks

你好, 我是香港辦公室的新同事xx, 我要打張debit note給客, 請給我一個debit note 號碼!

大約甘上下意思~ 唔該!

回答 (5)

2011-03-06 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Date: xxxxx

TO: xxxxxx

Attn: xxxxx

Dear xxxxx,.

你好, 我是香港辦公室的新同事xx, 我要打張debit note給客, 請給我一個debit note 號碼!

I am XXXX, your new colleague in the HK office, I need to issue a debit note to customer, please kindly give me a debit note.

Thanks for your kind attention to this matter & look forward to having your prompt reply.

Best regards,
2011-03-06 6:07 pm


2011-03-05 9:36 pm
Hallo! I am the new colleague maned 陳友 of office in Hongkong, wanting to type a debit note to my custome, please show that number for me.
2011-03-05 8:10 pm
Hello, my new colleagues in the Office of (XX) is Hong Kong, I want to make a debit note to the customer, please give me a debit note number!
2011-03-05 6:49 pm
Hello, I'm the new Hong Kong office colleagues xx, I want to make a debit note to thecustomer, please give me a debit note number!
參考: Google 翻譯

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