
2011-03-04 11:17 pm
本人持有香港永久居民身份証, 但沒有3粒星, 我是在香港出生.但不知何因,我祇有宣世紙 (出生地是香港), 沒有出世紙. 那麼我有沒有資格申領香港特區護照呢 ?

回答 (3)

2011-03-05 11:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not necessary.

If you are not a Chinese and you are born before July 1, 1997, you are in fact a British Citizen. After that, you are a Chinese Citizen.

The best way to determine your eligibility is to simply apply one.

2011-03-06 13:28:58 補充:
I take an assumption that you don't know about the history pretty well.

Please look at the following IN DETAI first:


It clearly states that Chinese-decent Hong Kong Permanent Residents are automatically Chinese citizens.

2011-03-06 13:31:05 補充:
So evidently, Indians and other minorities in Hong Kong are excluded from getting Chinese citizenship.

You have to be clear about that being a Hong Kong Permanent Resident does not mean you are a Chinese citizen (and vice versa).

2011-03-06 13:31:25 補充:
After that, please look at this as well:


2011-03-06 13:33:53 補充:
In this case, since no one knows what is the person's ethnicity, there is no way to know what nationality or citizenship he or she has.

So the best way to know - is to apply one and see and Immigration Department will tell if he or she is eligible or not.

2011-03-06 13:34:20 補充:
In bottom line, regardless what I have answered - Ming you are completely WRONG about saying that he or she is eligible (there are people who in fact are not eligible for HKSAR Passport).

2011-03-06 13:35:26 補充:
And by the way, the Taiwanese who answered this question is correct - if he is a Chinese citizen, he will be. Otherwise, he or she will have to naturalize first.

2011-03-06 14:57:47 補充:
It is simple - I am indeed a foreigner...Who said I am in Hong Kong?
2011-03-05 12:11 am

2011-03-06 16:18:19 補充:

護照是代表國籍的,只有擁有中國國籍者,即中國公民,才有資格去申請香港特別行政區護照。無國籍人士,若果不歸化中國國籍的話,也是沒有資格去申請香港特別行政區護照的,只可以申請沒有國籍意義的簽證身份書,即 DI。

2011-03-06 16:18:35 補充:
香港出生並不代表有資格去申請香港特別行政區護照的,就好像香港奧運代表韋漢娜 (Hannah Wilson),她雖然是於香港出生,但她是英國國籍,並沒有歸化中國國籍,沒有資格申請特區護照,曾經被阻撓去參加奧運。


2011-03-06 16:18:52 補充:



2011-03-06 16:19:07 補充:

(一) 具有中國血統,並於香港或中國其他地區出生;或
(二) 符合《中華人民共和國國籍法》訂明的中國國籍條件。

2011-03-04 11:55 pm
冇問題,其實身份證 3粒星只是代表持證人年齡為18歲或以上及有資格申領香港特別行政區回港證,與申請香港特區護照沒有關係。而宣誓紙既已證明閣下的出生地是香港(因宣誓紙有法律效力),如賣排除其他因素,閣下絕對有資格申領香港特區護照。

2011-03-06 13:07:39 補充:

當事人已說明自己的而且確在香港出生雖無出世紙,但有宣誓紙證明。因宣誓紙有法律效力,在香港出生的人士均有絕對資格申領香港特區護照。“If you are not a Chinese and you are born before July 1, 1997, you are in fact a British Citizen. After that, you are a Chinese Citizen”這句並不需要而且非常不正確。

2011-03-06 13:08:16 補充:
任何人士(包括華人和非華裔人士)在一九九七年七月一日前出生並沒有英國國藉,故在中英談判期間港英政府為滿足部分香港人訴求而特許部分許何人士申請居英權。持有這類護照並不等於在英國土生土長的人士所持有的護照,而且中國大陸並不認同此居英權。而 BNO (British Nation Oversea) 是出生於英國植民地的人士可以申請的護照。

2011-03-06 13:09:05 補充:

2011-03-06 13:15:22 補充:

2011-03-06 14:26:27 補充:
而且 http://ukinhongkong.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/living-in-hong-kong/section-4b-nationality-act 內的只是英國政府一湘情願的說法。你連引經據典都錯,香港特區護照問題不能用香港本身的律例解釋嗎?

2011-03-06 22:27:34 補充:

2011-03-06 23:43:53 補充:
用英文扮老外不會加分,而且該台灣人士沒有答錯關於香港特別行政區護照的相關資料,只是沒有對題。還有,你說 So the best way to know - is to apply one and see and Immigration Department will tell if he or she is eligible or not 根本與問題無關。
參考: 自己,只是幫忙,請指教。

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