要做功課,唔該! urgent!!

2011-03-04 10:14 pm
private placement,right issue,public offer, bonus issue中,銀行所扮演的角色 我要詳細解釋,唔該!!

回答 (1)

2011-03-14 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
private placement是私人配售
public offer是公開招股
right issue=供股

"issue of share"即發售新股,由集資的公司發行新股,在市場集資,為該公司帶來新資金。 而發售新股有多種方法,較常見的有公開招股 ( Publice Offering ) 及私人配售 ( Private Placement ),前者主要針對個人投資者 ( 多為散戶 ),後者則針對機構投資者或轉業投資者。

"placing of share"指配售,可分為配售舊股或新股。如為前者,即由集資公司發行新股,配售予特定機構投資者或專業投資者,在市場集資,為該公司帶來新資金。如為後者,則只由現股東出售本身持有的舊股,配售予特定機構投資者或專業投資者,為該股東套現,但不會為該公司帶來任何新資金。


1.Rights issue:

A rights issue is an offer of new shares by a company to its shareholders in proportion to their share holdings. The shareholders may be invited to subscribe for new shares in proportion to their existing shares. The proportion may vary from case to case, for example, one new share for every one existing share held or one new share for every two existing shares held.

2.Bonus issue:

A bonus issue is an issue by a company of fully paid-up new shares to its shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings. Bonus issues are technically known as capitalization issues. To increasing the capital base of the company without having to go to its shareholders for more funds. It is essentially a free issue of new shares to existing shareholders.

right issue,想股東持有更多佢公司股票,其次,令有錢那d有更多%的shares,因為細股東未必有錢去買股票


bonus issue,公司想弄細d 個股價,因為多股ge 話,個價會降,從而令細股東都買到股票


但係一手係五萬,冇錢ge 人可能都夠錢買

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