20/3-24/3會去布吉, 今次係我同男友第一次旅行, 重要係自由行, 淨係個 package 都用左 HKD$65XX lu~ 希望大家可以幫下忙, 俾d意見, 等我地可以有個美好 d gei trip 啦, MANY THANKS!!
DAY 1- 香港早上9點機, 大約11,12點到布吉- take metro taxi to our hotel - LAGUNA BEACH RESORT(其實搭 metro taxi 係咪好 d? 會平過 book 車 ga? book 車要 $500b~)- check in & stay in hotel, maybe 欣賞下 hotel 入面 gei 風景 or 游下水- 大約4,5點, free transfer to Phuket Fantasea, 打算 join 個 package 食 buffet(1800-2045)+睇 show(2100-2230), 重送 1hr thai massage at Oriental Massage(其實呢個幻多奇主題樂園值唔值得去呀?)- 完 show 就搭 shuttle bus 返 hotel (回程好似都有 free transfer, 但係重等梗 reply)
DAY 2- 0630 to 1630, join tour 去 Similan Island 浮潛(好似話 d 珊瑚有問題要關島呀, 咁我重 book 唔 book 好呀?)- back to hotel to take a bath- free transfer to Lotus for dinner(重趕唔趕得切邊睇日落邊食晚餐呀? 應該幾點出發? 洗唔洗一早 book 枱 ga? 價錢大約會係幾多呀?)- back to hotel
DAY 3- 0730 to 1730, jour tour to Phang-nga to have 5km rafting & elephant trekking(is it good? 好似冇嘜人話 join 過咁 gei.... 同埋洗唔洗帶套衫等完左之後換 ga?)- back to hotel to take a bath- go to Patong, 周圍搵下野食 for dinner - maybe no.6 restaurant(出 Patong 應該 book 車定搭 tuk tuk 呀? 車程要幾內呀?) - Oriental Massage to have 1hr free thai massage(oriental gei massage 好唔好 ga? 如果 ok gei 話, 諗住 join 多 2hrs 的 oil massage, 咁就 cancel 之後個日的 Let's relax 呀, 平好多呀~)- 重未攰 gei 話就去行下芭東夜市- back to hotel
DAY 4- 中午 go to Patong for shopping and lunch/tea (Jungceylon)(定係去 Puket Town gei Central Festival 好 d 呀?)- go to Let's Relax Spa to have 2hrs Body&soul massage(係咪會安排只有我同男友在同一間房內 ga?)- dinner at Patong- back to hotel
DAY 5- stay in hotel- go to airport(搭 1300 機, 應該幾點出發去機場呀?)
我有好多問題呀, 希望各位見諒, 同埋俾多 d 意見啦, thank you very much!!! 麻煩晒大家喇!!!!