
2011-03-04 10:54 am

回答 (3)

2011-03-04 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 溫哥華水族館 Vancouver Aquarium (前往方法: 公交135號線終點站下車)
門票: 成人加幣14.95元;學生票及13-17歲青少年加幣10.55元;4-12歲兒童加幣7.95元
2. 唐人街 Chinatown (前往方法: 乘公車19號線Pender St.站下車)
3. 獅門大橋
4. 斯坦利公園 Stanley Park (前往方法: 若從商業區乘巴士前往,乘坐#19 Stanley Park 方向巴士到終點站下車即可。返回時則乘#19 Metrotown Station 方向巴士。該巴士每隔12~20分鐘一次。另外,週六、日兩天#52 Around the Park 巴士在公園周圍繞行,每隔一小時一次,繞行一周約30分鐘。要注意,不得在車內喝飲料、吃東西。從商業區步行前往斯坦利公園,需30分鐘左右。)
5. 羅布森大街 Robson (前往方法: 乘公車3號線Robson St.下車。)
6. 煤氣鎮 Gastown (前往方法: 從市中心至煤氣鎮步行5分鐘,也可搭乘公交1號線到達,Water St.站下車。)
7. 蒸汽鐘(前往方法: 從市中心至煤氣鎮步行5分鐘,也可搭乘公交1號線到達,Water St.站下車。)
8. Capliano Suspension Bridge and Park. 地址: 3735 Capilano Road, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

2011-03-04 4:33 pm


2011-03-04 2:54 pm
I would suggest Best Western which is very close to the airport. In Vancouver, you should visit the following:
1. Butchart Garden at night - they have over 200 types of flowers, and it's awesome when they turn on the neon lights at night.
2. Miniature Museum - They have a huge collection of miniature decorations.
3. Capilano Suspension Bridge - If you are not afraid of height, then this will be a very memorable experience for you. After crossing the bridge successfully, you will be rewarded with a COMPLETION CERTIFICATE.
4. Vancouver Lookout which is located in the downtown harbour center.
5. You might also consider taking a side trip to the Canadian Rockies which is not too far away from Vancouver. Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies is fabulous. You won't regret adding this to your itinerary.

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