"One of whom" or "One of them"?

2011-03-04 2:02 am
I come across the sentence below,

"The show's creators- one of WHOM" is himself a Rastafarian- insist that no offence was intended"

I wonder why it's "one of whom" but not "one of them"

I come across the sentence below,

"The show's creators- one of THEM" is himself a Rastafarian- insist that no offence was intended"

Please tell me the grammatical rule behind the usage of "whom"

Thanks a lot

回答 (1)

2011-03-04 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Think of it this way. Let's say you were describing that show creator. You would say, "Chuck Lorre, WHO is a Rastafarian, is bored."

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