do you know why the free exam papers dot com disappear? where can i find the FREE GCE A level papers?

2011-03-04 1:12 am

回答 (3)

2011-03-08 1:02 am
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From your school. They won't charge you for old papers.
2011-03-04 10:16 pm
When you say "Free exam papers", is there any chance you are simply talking about past examination papers, not model answers written by others, but just the question papers that the awarding bodies set in previous years and that candidates get hold of to help them revise for current exams? If so, Edexcel has some for free download at

Try the links marked "GCE". They have plenty of A-level subjects in stock. For OCR, go to

select the A-level subject you want and see from the subject page whether past papers are available.

Past A-level papers for AQA can be downloaded by accessing first
2011-03-04 9:47 am
Do you really want a free paper? It is probably written by someone in Nigeria who has terrible English skills. The reason why you can't find websites that give free papers is the fact that people are actually willing to pay money to not have to do their own work.

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