Did primary or secondary seismic waves cause the 2011 New Zealand Earthquake?

2011-03-03 7:04 pm
Did primary or secondary seismic waves cause the 2011 New Zealand Earthquake? Please may I also have an explanation of why if possible. I have fully researched the internet, but cannot seem to find anything as the earthquake only occurred recently. Any help would be great, many thanks!

回答 (4)

2011-03-03 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are 3 basic types of earthquake waves generated by an earthquake. P waves (Primary - compressional waves) and S waves (Secondary- shear waves) are often called body waves. They travel through the "body" of the Earth and are not destructive. The third type of earthquake wave is called the L wave. These are the surface waves and are responsible for the shaking experienced at the Earth's surface and the resulting damage.
2016-04-28 12:44 pm
Most earthquake damage is not done by so-called primary (P) or secondary (S) waves, but by surface waves (L and R). In a sense, surface waves *are* secondary waves in that they are not produced at the earthquake focus but by P and S waves interacting with the earth's surface. S waves do generally have a slightly larger amplitude than P waves. In addition, while P waves simply compress and expand the ground along the direction of wave motion, S waves move the ground from side to side, which causes more stress (torque) at the surface and on any objects built there, so they would be more damaging than P waves.
2011-03-03 7:16 pm
The cause was the Pacific Plate subducting beneath the Australian Plate
The earthquake produced both types of waves
參考: ..
2011-03-03 7:18 pm
As in all earthquakes the secondary (S) wave caused most of the damage. The primary (P) wave arrives early and has the movement analogous to a horizontal slinky. The S wave arrives later (time is dependent on distance) and its movement is like swinging a rope tied to a post. The difference in arrival times is proportional to the distance to the fault break.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:47:42
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