Clothes and clothing

2011-03-04 6:13 am
Clothes 一定係要用plural from
Clothing 係一個collective noun


可唔可講a piece of clothing?
同埋如果我想指明買左5件衫..係咪一定要用I bought 5 suit of clothes而唔可以I bought 5 clothing or I bought 5 clothes???

回答 (4)

2011-03-04 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Clothes and clothing

him, you are right that:
Clothes 要用plural form and like clothing 係一個collective noun.

想講我買左1件衫, say I've bought an item or an article of clothes/clothing. It is also OK to say I've bought a piece of clothes/clothing. But don't mix it up with a piece of cloth which means 1塊布.

想指明我買左5件衫,唔可以I bought 5 clothing or I bought 5 clothes.
Say I bought 5 items of clothes or I bought 5 items of clothing.
Don't say 5 suits of clothes, which means 5套衫.

2011-03-05 07:43:15 補充:
Thank you Jenkin for pointing out the Chinese translations :clothes是衣服clothing是衣物. Whereas, it is equally correct to say "buy an item of clothing" and "buy an item of clothes", we do usually say more directly "buy a shirt/skirt/dress".
2011-03-05 1:12 pm
eicachan 和 Jenkin 解釋得很清楚. 而這問題令我想起clothing以下的例子/ 用法.
Clothing Industry Training Authority 製衣業訓練局
(在網上搜尋較少見到用 Clothes Industry)

2011-03-05 05:25:43 補充:
另外, 在日常對話中, 如果我們只是講到「買衫」, 應該甚少會用到clothing.

This word is not used much in ordinary spoken language
• I went shopping for summer clothes (NOT clothing).

2011-03-05 05:26:03 補充:
Use clothing to talk about a particular type of clothes (講及特別類型的衣服) or when talking about making or selling clothes
• Special protective clothing is worn. (穿著特別的保護衣)
• a clothing manufacturer
2011-03-04 11:38 pm
5 pieces of clothes 跟 5 pieces of clothing大體上是一樣的意思。


2011-03-04 4:23 pm


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