a couple of 與 a period of的分別

2011-03-03 8:58 pm
"a couple of years" 跟 "a period of years" 有咩分別?

還有咩字去形容 "years"?

回答 (2)

2011-03-03 9:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"a couple of years" 跟 "a period of years" 有咩分別?

a period of years(一段時期)可以定義 Decade十年, Century世紀, Millenia美年…a couple of years(兩年) 還有咩字去形容 "years"?

a hundred of years一百年Hundreds of years數百年a thousand of years 一千年Thousands of years 數千年A million of years一百萬年millions of years 數百萬年a billion of years十億年billions of years幾十億年
2011-03-04 4:26 pm



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