conditional offer(requirement)

2011-03-03 5:05 pm
i have just received a conditional offer from Newcastle University (geography and town planing), it requires me to obtain GCE alevel BBB excluding chinese.

So do i need to take the GCE alevel exam or just submit my hk alevel results?

回答 (1)

2011-03-04 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 你應該首先去email registry, 同佢地講你而家考緊既係hkale, 睇下係唔係佢地出錯左, 因為佢地一次過發咁多個offer 出去, 錯, 係難免既, 而我果時既ucas, 明明冇讀bio, 佢個offer 上面話要我考bio, 我email 左佢, 佢都即刻改番, 所以第一步, 係做呢個.

2) 之後, 如果佢地話係冇出錯既話, 咁就即係俾左難題你, i.e 你真係要去考gce, 咁你就要快d apply 啦, 因為gce 係6月考既, 錯過左個deadline 就麻煩啦, 即係變相唔收你- -"

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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