
2011-03-04 5:48 am
若是您不介意, 希望您能夠接受我司延長一個月付款,
關於此次的shipment pay 確切的付款時間為14/April/2011,

以上, 請幫我翻譯, 拜託不要網頁或是翻譯軟體的...

回答 (6)

2011-03-04 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
若是您不介意, 希望您能夠接受我司延長一個月付款,
關於此次的shipment pay 確切的付款時間為14/April/2011,

Hope everything is going well at your side. If it is OK with you, we hope that we can pospond our payment for one month. The payment will be made on April 14, 2011. We adjusted our payment date because some adjustments in our company. Your understanding will be much appreciated.

2011-03-07 6:44 am
另外也謝謝rjamesho您的熱心~ ^^
2011-03-04 9:20 pm
河豚每次都來亂啦~~~~~ =.=\\\\\\
2011-03-04 9:02 pm
#2河豚老弟兩種語言的文法都有問題...= - =
2011-03-04 5:21 pm
If you don't mind, I hope you can accept payment by our extended by one month,On the shipment of pay exact payment time is 14/April/2011,Because the company accounts may take some time on integration, so change the payment date,Hope your understanding and wish you every success.

Om du inte gör något, jag hoppas du kan acceptera betalning genom vår utökade med en månad,Om transporter av lön exakta betalning tid är 14/April/2011,Eftersom företagets konton kan ta tid för integration, så ändra betalningsdatum,Hoppas din förståelse och önskar er all framgång.
2011-03-04 2:17 pm

If it is acceptable to you, please allow us to delay our payment by a month, and reset the current shipment payment date to 14/4/2011. The delay is needed to allow time for consolidation of company accounts; so your understanding is truly appreciated.

Best regards,

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 15:44:13
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