It sure was cold?/ It was sure cold?

2011-03-03 2:27 am
Hello everyone,

I've come across a sentence like this in an Oxford dictionary,

"It sure was cold"

I wonder if the sentence should be changed into,

"It was sure cold"

Because according to a grammar book "Grammar Finder", it says an adverb, if in mid-position, should go AFTER an auxiliary verb but before main verb. For example,

"The story is probably untrue", but not

"The store probably is untrue"

Could somebody explain why an adverb can go before an aux verb. Is that an exceptional case? If yes, when can I put an adverb before an aux verb?

Thanks so much in advance.

回答 (5)

2011-03-03 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Forget adverb for a moment and think of it as a modifier instead which it is.' We are talking about 'misplaced modifiers.' What do you want to modify? Modifiers, both adjectives and adverbs, most often precede the word they modify, but not always.

"The story is probably untrue.

The word 'only' is often a seen as a misplaced modifier:

Incorrect: If you only would come home.

Correct: If you would only come home.

As noted above, it is not concrete. Pick your poison here:

It sure was cold.
It was sure cold.

You can go either way as we often write in a manner in which we speak, which, unfortunately, is not always correct according to the rules of grammar. There is a lot of bad grammar that you can get away with in informal, spoken English that you cannot get away with in formal writing.
2011-03-03 10:34 am
It sure was cold~
sounds better...and the latter gives me an awkward feeling...

while the second set of example seems acceptable either way...

idk..not really an expert in grammar...english is my third language..but 'it was sure cold' gives me a cold feeling..unnatural..
2011-03-03 10:34 am
i dont think it matters it means the same thing
2011-03-03 10:32 am
It don't matter much,everyone knows what you
2011-03-03 10:31 am
I prefer the former, but I think either would do.

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