what means passive voice?

2011-03-03 5:14 am
what means passive voice?
Plz. explain it carefully ( use chinese and English)

回答 (3)

2011-03-04 12:35 am
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what means passive voice?

英文動詞有主動語態 Active Voice 和被動語態 Passive Voice 之分。
[主動語態]1. John encouraged Mary.﹝約翰鼓勵瑪莉。﹞
[被動語態]2. Mary was encouraged by John.﹝瑪莉受到約翰鼓勵。﹞

Use of passive
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action.
It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
使用被動語態當動作是重點,當你不知道是誰作的,是誰作的並不重要。e.g. 1. My bike was stolen我的自行車被偷了。[不知道是誰作的]
2. The school bell was rung. 校鐘被敲響了。[是誰作的並不重要]
2011-03-03 4:47 pm


2011-03-03 6:37 am
what means passive voice= 將主體變成客體及將客體突出
to emphasisthe object and the subject of a sentence is changed to an object.- see example below

I see Mary at the market.= active voice sentence - 我在市場看見瑪莉

Mary is seen by me at the market. -= passive voice sentence 瑪莉在市場被我看見

Mary does the homework 瑪莉在做功課o

The homework is done by Mary.功課被瑪莉做

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