Umbilical cord explanation

2011-03-03 3:50 am
Q1. What means umbilical cord?

Q2. Please give some umbilical cord information.

THX!!!!!!!!!!!!(10 points)

回答 (2)

2011-03-04 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
umbilical cord 1. 肚臍帶


Early in pregnancy, a plate-like structure called the placenta (胎盤) forms in the uterus. The embryo is attached to the placenta by the
umbilical cord (脐带) which carries blood between the embryo and
the placenta. The developing embryp can therefore get food and
oxygen from its mother through the placenta and umbilical cord. It
also gets rid of waste and carbon dioxide in a similar way. The
embryo develops into a foetus ( 胎兒) in the uterus in about 8 weeks after fertilisation

臍帶(拉丁語Funiculus umbilicalis)是幾乎所有哺乳動物(包括人)都有的一種器官。在母體內它是胎兒與懷孕的母親的胎盤的連接。在胎盤內胎兒的血液循環與母親的血液循環交換營養物質和氧氣,通過臍帶營養物質與氧氣來到正在成長的胎兒的體內。
正常人的臍帶含有三條血管:兩條臍動脈(Plural Arteriae umbilicales)和一條臍靜脈(Vena umbilicalis)。兩條動脈將二氧化碳豐富和營養少的血輸入胎盤,靜脈將氧氣和營養豐富的血液輸回胎兒。另一條靜脈在胎兒的第一周就退化了。人的臍帶約50至60厘米長,直徑約2厘米,臍帶內的血管由華通氏膠(Wharton's Jelly)包裹。 約1%的人肧胎臍帶只有兩條血管:一條動脈及一條靜脈。出現這種異常的胎兒多數仍然正常成長。另外有更稀少的例子有動、靜脈各兩條。這種異常多數與遺傳有關,通常同時出現肧胎異常。
2011-03-03 5:14 pm


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