中文轉英文~ 快***** 10點

2011-03-02 8:02 pm
1) 何時出現青春期?
6)你有吾試過以下的情況? 為什麼?
10)Identity 有4個階段 : (你認為自己會屬於什麼階段)
。Foreclosure > 循規蹈矩,由父母直接安排好日後的方向.
。Identity Diffusion > Easy to get lose.
。Moratorium > 1:喜歡予盾 2:做了會後悔,不做也後悔
11)Moral Development (選擇以下一個)
1: 決定事情的的好與壞才去選擇結果
2: If give the good achantage to you, you will think.

回答 (3)

2011-03-02 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 何時出現青春期?
When did you start puberty?2)青春期對你來說有何變化?
When kind of changes you have experienced during puberty?3)生理/心理會否有變化?
Have you experienced physiological or psychological changes?4)青春期對你來說有何困擾/煩惱?
What have bothered you during puberty?
In your opinion, why do adolescents take drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes?6)你有吾試過以下的情況? 為什麼?
Have you experienced the following, why?

飲酒: alcoholism
吸煙: smoking cigarettes
濫藥: Taking and abusing drugs

During your puberty, what was your opinion about sexual behaviors?煩惱: troubled/bothered
困擾: distressed
What kind of things that would have turned you on during puberty?
What is your opinion of different perspectives among males and females concerning sexual behaviors?10)Identity 有4個階段 : (你認為自己會屬於什麼階段)There are four stages in identity development. What stage do you believe that fits your situation?Foreclosure > (You follow your parents' instructions and rule without any question. You listen and do whatever they tell you to do) 循規蹈矩,由父母直接安排好日後的方向.

Identity Diffusion > (You have yet not found a sense of self )Moratorium 1:喜歡予盾 Your experience ambivalence2:做了會後悔,不做也後悔
You feel regretful for whatever decision you have made. 3:讀書的時候會覺得早知去做工搵錢, 做野的時候會覺得早知讀多幾年書學更多知識. You feel that you should be working for money when you are in school, but then you feel that you should have spent a few more years in school when you are working for money.

11)Moral Development (select one of the following)1: You look at the pros and cons before making your decision. 決定事情的的好與壞才去選擇結果

2: If give the good achantage to you, you will think??? (我唔係好明你的意思)。

2011-03-03 02:10:18 補充:
My mistake:

Identity 有4個階段 : (你認為自己會屬於什麼階段)
There are four stages in identity development. What stage do you believe that fits your situation?

It should be:
There are four stages in identity development. What stage you believe that fits your situation?
參考: I studied psychology.
2011-03-03 3:09 pm
1)何時出現青春期?When did you start puberty?
2)青春期對你來說有何變化?Did the puberty influence you in any way?
3)生理/心理會否有變化?Did you experience any changes physically and mentally?
4)青春期對你來說有何困擾/煩惱?Does puberty cause you any type of torment?
5)你認為青少年為何會開始濫藥/飲酒/吸煙?Why do teenagers start drug abuse/alcohol/smoking in your opinion?
6)你有吾試過以下的情況? 為什麼?
濫藥:Have you experienced any of the following? Why?Drinking alcohol.Smoking.Drug abuse.
困擾:What do you feel about sexual intercourse during your puberty?Worries.Torment.
8)青春期時,會產生什麼刺激?What kind of stimulation will trigger during puberty/
9)你認為男性和女性有什麼不同的性行為為觀點?What kind of viewpoints regarding sexual intercourse differentiate between men and women in your opinion?
10)Identity 有4個階段 : (你認為自己會屬於什麼階段)
。Foreclosure > 循規蹈矩,由父母直接安排好日後的方向.
。Identity Diffusion > Easy to get lose.
。Moratorium > 1:喜歡予盾 2:做了會後悔,不做也後悔
做野的時候會覺得早知讀多幾年書學更多知識.There are four stages in identity (What stage do you think you belong to)Stick to the regulations, and let the parents to make the decisions about the future directions.Identity DiffusionMoratorium 1. Like contradiction2. Will feel remorseful regardless of doing it or not.
11)Moral Development (選擇以下一個)Moral Development (Please choose one of the following)1. Choose the consequences after clarifying (or balancing out) the pros and cons of a matter.2. You will think thoroughly if there is an advantage to you.
2011-03-03 3:00 am
1) large breasts, body shape changes, fat layer thicker, wider hips, grow armpit hair and pubic hair, labia minora increase, onset of menstruation.
2) Psychological mood appears sometimes feel inferior rebel and become depressed, sentimental. Physiological changes caused by anxiety, embarrassment and loss of feeling, will be reduced.
3) that stimulate the friends of the family ignored
4), because friends drink it drink.
Yes, because to pass the time.
No, because the fear of drugs will make the body healthy.
5) of worry: Do not entirely clear what is the sex
6) began to imagine having sex with the opposite sex or the Air A-chip
7) looking for excitement, with love in return
Looking for a sense of security, in exchange for love with sex

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