由於昨天放假今天才能收信... (英文)

2011-03-01 9:50 pm




回答 (7)

2011-03-04 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) I apologize for replying you the mail today since yesterday was a holiday in Taiwan. I'll send the documents you requested before i'm off duty today.


2) I just received your mail today and I'm sorry for the late response since yesterday was a holiday in Taiwan.
參考: mich selbst
2014-09-04 5:18 pm
【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】

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【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】
2014-07-13 8:10 am
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●現場 - 百家樂、龍虎、21點、輪盤、手臂、番攤、牛牛、骰寶、牌九

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●●● 精彩無限、 免費體驗 http://ts777.asia ●●●
2011-03-02 3:54 am
Please forgive my late response to your letter of (date e.g. 2/1/11). As you may know yesterday was a holiday in Taiwan. As a result I can only access to your mail as of today. In regards to the document you requested I will send it to you as soon as possible before the end of the business day. http://www.isampleletter.com/example/134.htmlhttp://www.perfectapology.com/customer-apology-letter.html
2011-03-01 10:44 pm
1.) 很抱歉回覆較晚!由於昨天台灣放假的關係,以致於今天才能收發MAIL。I am sorry for the late reply. Yesterday was still the holiday in Taiwan. Therefore, I just checked my mail today. 您要的文件,我會於今天下班前儘速提供給您。
I try my best to provide your requested document to you by the end of today.
2.)由於昨天台灣放假的關係,至今才看到您的來信。回覆比較慢請多多見諒。I just saw your letter because yesterday was Taiwan’s holiday. Please forgive my late reply.

2011-03-01 14:45:52 補充:
因為放假所以較晚回覆, 所以一開始最好就致歉, 所以加上紅色字的部份
2011-03-01 10:35 pm

Because yesterday was a holiday for us, so we could only check our mails today.. The papers needed by you will be sent today.


I saw your mail today owing to the holiday in Taiwan. Sorry for the late answering.

2011-03-01 10:09 pm
1. I'm really sorry! It was our holiday yesterday in Taiwan that's why we can only check emails today. The documents you requested I will be sending them to you as soon as possible, most likely before end of today.

2. Since it was our holiday yesterday in Taiwan, I just saw your email today. Replies are a little bit late, please excuse the delay.

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