died out 點解 ? be quick .

2011-03-01 2:15 am
what mean is died out ? I want to recive my homework to my Eng teacher next day . plz tell me in chines meaning . thank you very much . my friend :D

thx u John . you are halpful :D

回答 (8)

2011-03-01 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

Die out 很多時與中文上的死亡有分別。Die out 應該是解滅絕或逐漸消失。

tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries ago.


Why did the dinosaurs die out


2011-03-02 11:43 am
DIE OUT: phrasal verb

(1) If something dies out, it becomes less and less common and eventually disappears completely or finally stop existing.

<風俗、習慣等> 逐漸消失
Many old customs are dying out. 很多古老的風俗正在消失

<家族,人種, 動物種等> (一個一個地) 滅絕, 死絕, 絕跡
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. 數百萬年前恐龍滅絕了

(2) If something such as a fire or wind dies out, it gradually stops burning or blowing. <火, 風 > 熄滅, 漸漸止息

Once the fire has died out, the salvage team will move in.
參考: Collins English Dictionary
2011-03-01 6:44 pm
既然已經內定是(001-John) 何必再玩弄其他網友?

竟公開造馬多謝一位英文水平有問題之所謂答案, 太露骨了!

2011-03-01 4:54 am
died out 是死了
2011-03-01 3:37 am


2011-03-01 3:27 am
died out 解消失!

參考: me
2011-03-01 3:24 am
死咗出去... XD
2011-03-01 2:27 am
died out = 死了:)

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