
2011-03-01 1:59 am
我在美國讀大學國際關係專業. 可能本身英文不是太強, 所以面對考試的問答形式題目就十分頭痛, 不像美國同學那麼快寫出長篇的答案. 由於考試題目都是基於理論和理論如何影響到後世這類的題目, 和不能加插自己的意見, 所以幾次考試都不合格. 請問有何方法去解決?

回答 (1)

2011-03-05 10:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The solutions are:

1) Improve your English standard so you are able to think about the content in English quickly and present them fluently / comfortably. This is not your first language and clearly you would find a bit difficult to catch up initially. But without improving your English writing ability, I do not think your result can be improved.

2) Consult the answering technique via your professors and seek their suggestions for quickest improvements. You cannot wait for you have failed times and if the situation continues, you may fail in certain courses and need an extension of your Degree programme before you have enough credits for graduation.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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