power output of unsteady dc

2011-02-28 10:45 pm
我好confused對於power output to a resistor connected to unsteady square dc

As you know,mean value of Voltage(or current) can be calculated easily for square dc signal ,i.e total area (V-T) over T

But the problem is why we use RMS value to calculate the power output,
which is always different from mean value of Voltage,i.e total area (V-T) over T.

究竟mean value係咪只可以用係 steady square signal呢 ?

回答 (1)

2011-03-01 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since power dissipation is proportional to the aquare of voltage of current, this is the reason why any calcuation on power should be baed on the mean-square value of the voltage or current.

I don't know what you mean by a "unsteady" square-dc. Even in the case of a steady square signal (i.e. signal with a certain constant voltage during half of the period and zero voltage for the other half), you need to use the rms value to calculate the power output..

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