al CHEM:bronsted acid in NH3

2011-02-28 4:53 pm
有一條al chem咁問

write all the bronsted acid in aqueous NH3


H2O , NH4+ , H3O+


回答 (2)

2011-02-28 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
be awared that this is an alkaline solution. H3O+ normally exist in acidic solution only

In ammounia solution, only the following rx is concerned,

NH3 + H2O <=> NH4+ + OH-

Among the 4 particles, H2O and NH4+ can donate the H+ ions and therefore are the Bronsted-Lowry acid.
2011-03-03 3:01 pm
then this question is very tricky.
it mentions "All". even in alkaline medium, NH4(+) should still be present as a result of equilibrium.

in CE levels, we wouldn't think about amminium ion;
in A-level, supposingly we're supposed to also think about ammonium, right?

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