
2011-03-01 6:35 am

1.There are more patients in need of kidey,cormeas,and other human tissue than there are domors; therefore , big money can be done on a thriving black market in human fresh.

2.Since World War 2 , America had continued to attract scientific talent.

3.Cancer is usually classified according to the tissue which the cancerois
cells originate.......

4.In no respect do Japanese and Americans display greater difference than in their attitude concernd employment.

5.The world is running out of oli , and energy experts believe that there could have serious shortages in ten years.

6.Gardening is a joy to those who are lonely , relaxed to those who are nervous , and a lession for whose who are always in a hurry.

回答 (2)

2011-03-09 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. There are more patients in need of kidneys, corneas, and other human tissue than there are donors; therefore, big money can be made on the thriving black market in human flesh.

2. Since World War 2, America has continued to attract scientific talent.
(上述句子提及過去某一''確切''時間開始發生且有可能持續至未來;此外句子強調的是結果,而不是期間或動作。因此用現在完成式是比較適當的) (BTW, 上述不是一個完整的句子...)

3. Cancer is usually classified according to the tissue in which the cancerous cells originate.
(Cancer develops in tissue, it's not tissue that causes cancer. 癌症是由於細胞基因突變所致;有些人用 from which 是認為組織異常、病變導致癌症產生。所以應先了解癌症是如何產生的才能了解正確用法。)

4. In no respect do Japanese and Americans display greater difference than in their attitude concerning employment.
(也可以用 towards 取代 concerning)

5. The world is running out of oil, and energy experts believe that there could be serious shortages in ten years.

6. Gardening is a joy to those who are lonely, relaxing to those who are nervous, and a (lession????) for those who are always in a hurry.
(lession???? 不知道你指的是什麼...)

2011-03-01 7:10 am
done >>>> made or obtained 因為金錢是被‘賺得’不是被‘做得或完成得’
had continued >>>>> has been continuing 因為是‘自二戰以來 ..’是連續到目前為止﹐故使用現在完成進行式..

which >>>> from which
concerned >>>> concerning
relaxed >>>> relaxing

其他的不知道要如何用中文解釋。 因本人居國外使用英文機會多﹐久了成了習慣不會去想它的文法如何。抱歉!

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