英文點講: 用手摸頭同摸耳仔

2011-02-28 7:23 am
英文點講: 用手摸頭同摸耳仔

回答 (2)

2011-02-28 9:58 pm
Touch your head and ears with your hands please !

It is more polite to say with PLEASE!
2011-02-28 7:53 pm
Touch your head and ears with your hand.

Comb your hair = 梳頭
Touch your hair = 摸頭髮
Touch your head = 摸頭

有首英文兒歌好有趣..... head shoulder heel and toe, heel and toe, heel and toe, head shoulder heel and toe, eyes eras mouth and nose.

中文 .... 頭 肩頭 腳跟 腳趾公, 腳跟 腳趾公, 腳跟 腳趾公, 頭 肩頭 腳跟 腳趾公, 眼 耳 口 鼻.

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