participle phrases ?

2011-02-28 6:16 am
present participle phrases同past participle phrase有咩分別??

回答 (5)

2011-03-08 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A participle phrase is a word group consisting of a present participle or past participle, plus any modifiers, objects, and complements. It starts with a present participle or past participle. It modifies a noun or pronoun that is implicitly involved in the action expressed by the participle. It commonly functions as an adjective.

Present participle: verb + ing ~ for most verbs
Past participle: verb + ed ~ for most verbs. For irregular verbs, do – done, write – written

Example of present participle phrase:
The guy is sitting over there. (active voice)
He likes you.

The guy sitting over there likes you.

“sitting over there” is a present participle phrase that modifies the noun, guy.

Example of past participle phrase:
He was a man.
He had been admired for his patience. (passive voice)

He was a man admired for his patience.

“admired for his patience” is a past participle phrase. It modifies the man who had been admired for a long time.

The name of the present participle is misleading. It can indicate not only the present, but also the past and the future.
Arriving early, they smiled with embarrassment. [The actions are both in the past.]
Arriving tomorrow, they will be met at the airport. [The actions are both in the future.]

The past participle can indicate past, present, and future meanings.
Thus deceived, he will be outraged. [Both actions are in the future.]
Baffled by your attitude, I cannot help you. [Both actions are in the present.]
參考: Essentials of English - Hopper, Gale, and Foote
2011-03-09 9:20 pm
簡單地說. 一個用在被動句,一個用在主動.在主動句用present participle phrases, 被動用past participle phrase. 以應付被動和主動句.

雖然係簡單地說, 但其實上就係咁簡單. 不相信睇下以下例子.

例如, Participants were given certification , finishing the currculums.(主動句, participants finished the curriculums.)

例如, Participants can apply construction jobs, given certification.(被動句,participants are given certification)
2011-03-01 3:48 am

2011-03-01 12:38 am
(1)verb to have加過去分詞 構成完成時態
verb to have + past participle = perfect tense
e.g. They have finished. She has written.

(2)verb to be加現在分詞 構成現在進行時態
verb to be + present participle = present continuous tense
e.g. He is running. They are reading. I am watching.
2011-02-28 10:36 am
present participle : verb + ing 現在分詞
past participle : verb + ed (regular verb) 過去分詞

Julie's dog, exhausted from running and shaking with cold, was found in the park.

exhausted from running - past participle phrase (dog already exhausted)
shaking with cold - present participle phrase (the dod is still shaking)

You cannot say "Julie's dog, exhausting from running and shook with cold, was found in the park." It does not make sense.
參考: Bilingual English/粵語

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