
2011-02-28 6:10 am
用詞唔該盡量簡單,thx.唔要網上直譯式答案,thx !!!=)

這間店面對sociocultural factors that is critical to the business.自從台灣傳媒揭發當地近九成袋裝冷麵的總含菌量超標後, 成年人普遍對認為袋裝冷麵不乾淨,,愈來愈關注冷凍食物儲存是否適當.再加上,近年社會上普遍成年人愈來愈關注健康,所以飲食業加入健康食材成大勢所趨.在這方面的影響下, 此店要面對消費者在飲食習慣及要求的改變,對冷凍食物的儲存時間及凍櫃的氣溫保持在合符要求的衛生水平,改變成人認為袋裝冷麵等同垃圾食物的想法,才能吸引成人光顧. 此店亦面對competitor factors that is critical to the business.便宜的袋裝冷麵己成為藍田的其中一個特色,很多青少年到藍田也習慣買幾包冷麵,所以單在藍田的匯景廣場,就有3間售賣袋裝冷麵的小食店.雖然此店袋裝冷麵的價格和其餘兩間店的差不了太多,但是, ,因為唯獨此店使用電動攪面機攪拌食物配料,所以客人既不用浪費時間等候員工用人手慢慢地攪拌,又能享受比其他兩間店更好的食物味道質素. 最重要是此店的食物種類最多,食物也是最新鮮的,所以此店的袋裝冷麵從來沒有發生有人食後不適的事件,總括以上種種因素,太部分藍田青少年皆只選擇光顧此店.所以此店享受brand loyalty.


回答 (2)

2011-02-28 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

This shop owners face sociocultural company is critical to the soul. Since Taiwan media exposure local almost 90% of total contain bacteria grim bagged a quantity to exceed bid, adults to think generally not clean, bagged grim, more and more attention frozen food storage are proper. Plus, in recent years, more and more attention in society universal adult health so catering to join health food materials into the trend of The Times. In this respect under the influence of this store to face consumers in dietary habit and requirements changes, for frozen food storage time and temperature keeping and freeze in close operator of health level and change the requirements of adult think bagged grim equivalent junk food idea, can attract adults patronage.

This store also face the competitor is critical to the company's business friend. Cheap bag grim has become one of the characteristic, lam tin many teenagers to lantian also used to buy several pack grim, so single in lam tin the remittance scene square, will have 3 between selling bagged grim. Although the store of meal to bag the price of grim and the rest two shop of bad not too much, but, because only this store using electric machine mixing food ingredients stirring face, so the guest need not waste time waiting staff employing hand slowly stir, and can enjoy than the other two shop better food flavor quality. The heaviest if this store food most species, food also is the most fresh, so this store bagged grim never happen some food after the event, overall discomfort above all sorts of factors, too part is only choose lantian teenagers patronize this store. So this store enjoy next loyalty.
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2011-03-01 3:44 am



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