
2011-02-28 1:25 am
要求:用詞盡量簡單!!唔要網上直譯!撈麵英文系咪seasoned noodles????


回答 (3)

2011-02-28 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
撈麵 = stirred noodles. 外國人會用中文拼音 Lo Mien ﹐跟點心 (Dim Sum) 一樣 x是一間售賣台式撈麵的小食店.客人可自由選配不同種類凍的小食,例如:牛柏葉,魚蛋,蜆肉...再選配波菜式麵或米線,最後選擇合乎自己口味的醬料,再由電動撈麵機將食物,麵條和醬料均(暈)混合,創造一個屬於自己風格的撈麵。價格十分便宜,五元可選三包小食,十元則六包。另外,還提供三至五元一包的飲料,因此十分受藍田的市民歡迎,特別是青少年。 X is a snack shop specializing in Taiwanese stirred noodles ("Lo Mien"). In X, there is a great variety of cold snacks and meat available for the customers, including beef tripe (牛柏葉), fish balls, and clam meat (蜆肉). The customers may select their favorite condiments (醬料/調味料) that go together with spinach noodles (波菜麵) or rice noodles (米線). By putting their favorite meat and sauces into a machine that mixes the ingredients, the customers create their personal style (自己風格)of Lo-men. The price set by X is extremely competitive (競爭性/便宜). The customers only pay $5 for 3 packets (小包) of snacks, and $10 for 6 packets. In addition, customers pay $3-5 for refreshments/drinks (飲料) that go together with stirred noodles. Because of this, X is a popular restaurant (食肆), or a hanging out place (打躉的地方) for Lam Tin citizens, and young people in particular.


參考: I live in the US.
2011-03-01 4:17 pm
So and So is a small Taiwanese noodle shop which sell a variety of cold plates such as beef tripe,fish ball,clam meat,etc; and customers can choose their own desire combining that with side plates of spinch noodle or vermicelli and on top of that with favorite dressings according to their choices,then finally used the blender mixer to crush and mix the mixture into your favorite stir noodle plate. The price of this stir noodle plate is very reasonable, $5 for three stir noodle plates and $10 for six stir noodle plates. In addition, there will sell beverages at the price of $3 to $5 per package and that are welcomed by the people especially the teenagers in Lamtin
2011-02-28 2:15 am

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