
2011-02-27 8:10 am
我在想 拿加拿大公民 還是美國公民比較好(現在是台灣)因為高二+要去加拿大/美國念 又聽說如果是加拿大公民的話 考那裏的大學分數會比較低 比較容易過 學費也低很多 但是好像是說五年內藥有2-3年必須在那裡念書??那如果是美國公民 會有什麼好處 會有比拿加拿大公民好嗎? 要拿加拿大/美國公民 需要什麼資格嗎??是不是真的會比較好進好大學/高中? 我跟我媽非常掙扎到底是哪個好 又要怎麼辦 :S.拜託各位告訴我..再拖下去會不會就沒機會了 T^T

所以只要找移民的東西辦就好了嗎? 只要高二再去念就可以拿到公民?? What else is required?!!?!?

回答 (6)

2011-02-27 11:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your only choice is Canada.

Canada, based on their point system, provides advantages for potential immigrants if they have studied in Canada previously.

However, there is no advantage at all in the U.S. - In other word, the U.S. does not care if you are a student in the U.S. before. at all. In the point of view of the U.S., students has nothing to do with immigration.

2011-03-04 02:30:36 補充:
It is not a easy job - it takes a while - simply studying there will not do the job.
2011-03-11 1:56 am
Pretty, come to vancouver~ I can show you around <3 call me 778-788-0618 <3
2011-03-06 12:23 pm
Jerry的看法, 筆者個人認為, 雖不中, 亦不遠矣!
2011-02-28 5:03 am
如果板大可以很容易的拿到美加國籍, 真是不錯的"抉擇"呢..


2011-02-28 16:46:51 補充:
我認識的都努力5年10 年才拿到公民..
2011-02-27 4:57 pm
準備美金 60 萬以上~美國隨時歡迎妳投資移民!
2011-02-27 3:36 pm

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