Does cinnamon cause acne?

2011-02-27 5:58 am

回答 (8)

2011-02-27 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
No cinnamon doesn't cause acne, and contrary to popular belief, caffeine such as coffee and soda doesn't cause acne either. The cause of acne is when your skin is oily which can be several factors, one of them being hereditary. If you wish to get more information, I would recommend visiting a dermatologist.
2016-12-21 8:20 am
參考: Natural Acne Removal
2016-02-28 10:27 am
Propionibacterium acnes is the 'fancy' name for the bacteria that causes those red bumps you see on your skin. During puberty, your face goes into overdrive and produces more sebum, and it collects in the pores. The pore then 'closes' and allows no oxygen contact and no way for that oil or dirt to leave, causing irritation, which causes the visible red bump you see. That process can be provoked by stress, a poor diet, vitamin deficiencies, and your parents can be a factor (if they had it, most likely you would too). There are many different types of acne, but whichever one someone acquires, they are part of the millions and millions of people that have it too. How remedy? I am assuming you mean how to get rid of it. Acne can not disappear overnight. I recommend visiting a dermatologist. They will develop a plan that works with you and your schedule to help ease the pain of having acne. Don't forget to wash your face night and morning, don't rest your face in your hands, do not scratch at a pimple or pop it, and have a balanced diet. Oh, and please remember to wear sunscreen! It is important too! Hope I helped, and good luck!
2011-02-27 3:11 pm
Acne is caused by oily skin and can be somewhat prevented by cleansing properly
2011-02-27 8:39 am
Lol nope, the cause is overacting sebaceous glands making the skin oilier and more prone to acne, the common time are puberty, and pregnancy for OSG to happen.
參考: My dermatologist Aka skin doctor
2011-02-27 5:59 am
no it doesnt seem to have any link to that
2011-02-27 5:58 am
no lol, unless you have some allergy or something!
2011-02-27 5:59 am
no, but coffee will

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