
2011-02-27 1:45 am
我要見份工,係accounting clerk, 我有LCCI lv 3既certificate, 不過真係冇咩idea點答得好d 問題...

1. Tell us something about yourself.

2. Do you have any experinece relevant to this post? [but actually no...]

3. What have you learnt in your higher diploma course? [i'm HD in BA student]

4. Can you tell me something about your strengths/ weaknesses?

5. Have you visited our website? What do you think about it? [i want both Yes & No answer please]

6. Why are you interested in this post?

7. How would your friends describe you?

8. What have you learnt from your previous job? [a waiter only]

9. Why did you choose to study at IVE?

10. How do you usually adapt to new environment?

11. What do you know about our company? [i want to know both positive & negative answer but to explain it]

12. How do you see yourself in five year's time?

回答 (2)

2011-03-04 2:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.My name is Violet and I am 25 years old. I am a very detail-oriented and responsible person. I enjoy reading and hiking in my spare time.
2. I do not have any experience in this field. However, I am a quick learner and will try my best to learn more knowledge regarding accounting. Moreover, I possessed a LCCI Iv3 Certificate which I think it’s a plus for applying this position.

3. I learnt a lot of managerial skills and operations management apart from the subject itself.

4. My strength is I am very reliable and a team player. I can work with different individuals nicely. I can also multi-tasking which I strongly believe it will be an asset to your company. Moreover, I have a strong command of organizational skill. My only weakness is I work too hard sometimes that I forget about the time.
5. I have visited your website and I think it’s fabulous. The website is very informative which gives me a thorough understanding of your company’s operational style. The only drawback is the loading time is a little bit slow.

6. I am interested in this position is because I want to gain experience in the accounting field. Your company is a reputed one which I am sure that I will learn a lot of useful knowledge/skills.

7. My friends describe me as an reliable, easygoing, and cheerful person.

8.I had encountered a great number of difficult customers in my previous job. I had learnt how to cope with them and be more patient.

9.It is a very prestigious school specialized in professional diplomas.
10. I am very easy to adapt to a new environment due to my excellent learning ability and strong interpersonal skills.

11. Based on the financial report that I read from your website, your company’s return on equity is very high which attracts a lot of potential investors. However, I do think that your company can invest more on the sector of Research and Development.
12. I have full confidence that I will be in the Upper Management level in your organization within five years.
2011-02-28 4:46 am



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