SPACE, EnglishTown, WallStreet

2011-02-27 1:32 am
本人是一個文員,想報讀一個 好 的 英語課程(夜間) 增進自己的英文。
想比較一下 以下 三間 - 那一間比較好 ~
比較重要的是 - 哪一間認受性會比較好?(在僱主眼中)

I am a clerk. I want to find a good (part-time [evening]) English course to improve my English... but which one (among the 3 listed below) is better?
More importantly, which (of the following) is better recognized by employers?

1. Englishtown
2. Wall Street
3. HKU SPACE (e.g. some Advanced Diploma courses for Business English)

我在網上大致搜查過 對於 Englishtown 和 Wall Street 的評價,實在是很參差 ...
有不少人說 English Town 很差 - 因為 雖然活動多 ~ 但其實學不到英文 ...
也有不少人說 Wall Street 很差 - 只是對著電腦 讀句子 ~ 也是學不到英文 ...
真是很難決定 ...
有人認為 Englishtown 搶錢,也有人認為 Wall Street 搶錢 ... ...

另外 HKU SPACE 呢? SPACE 的教學方面 / 認受性方面 又好不好?

I had been doing a quick and rough little research on the internet, but the opinions vary a lot...
Many said Englishtown is bad because - yes, there are lots of activities, but you can learn hardly any English there...
Also, many said Wall Street is bad because you will be reading in front of a computer and "how can you learn like that?" ... something like this ...
Some say Englishtown scams (loots your money); some say it is Wall Street who scams...
This is surely a difficult decision to make...

Then what about HKU Space? Is the teaching good in SPACE? Are those diplomas / certificates widely recognized?

希望有人可以作出一個比較中肯 / 合理的比較
I hope someone can give me a fair and reasonable comparison between those 3 institutes.

* !!! 謝 絕 推 銷 員 , 謝 謝 !!! *


修正 (amendment): "learn hardly any English" --> "hardly learn any English"


補充 (extras): 當然 ~ 有好多人認為 Englishtown 不錯 ~ 也有好多人認為 Wallstreet 不錯 ~ 至於 HKU SPACE - 就好像比較少人談論 (?)


Though there are plenty of negative comments on both Englishtown and Wall Street, but still quite many people think they are good. But for HKU SPACE, I think there is not much talking on its courses, or so it seems. (?)

回答 (2)

2011-03-07 11:33 pm
[email protected]
2011-02-27 4:36 am
Of the English programmes offered by the three institutions, HKU SPACE's better.

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