
2011-02-27 12:17 am









回答 (2)

2011-03-06 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

Very Good Question!

My own experience can share with you some ideas:

1) When I was studying, I also had minor, careless mistakes appeared in different test / exam papers. That might be due to the fluctuated personal condition, the overlook of some wordings, etc. I always told myself to be careful every time. It works sometimes, but not the others.

2) I have a peer who was the former Hong Kong Maths Olympic Team member, who won some mainland Class I awards when he was a junior form students, failed to get the Subject Prize in his secondary school stage. Do you know why? The errors came from his careless mistakes, his lack of concentration on those contents not his level and also, mark deducted from poor presentation.

Can these two examples give you some ideas?

I think no person can avoid creating careless mistakes. The important thing is whether you can increase your senses of alertness even when doing the assignments or internal quiz. It takes time to improve, say over a year or even more, but it must work. And if the content is difficult, the careless mistakes rarely appear. Your own ability would still determine your final position.

I suggest if you could solve the problems with abundant time left for checking, and you fully utilize it to check steps and answers times, you can minimize the mistakes and maximize your scores.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-02-27 5:41 am

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