點解 all she had was, had之後又用was

2011-02-26 5:37 pm
All she had was an old dress.
點解 all she had之後又用was?
all she had一定要用past tense?

回答 (4)

2011-03-03 3:27 am
All she had was an old dress.

其實呢個係口語嘅表達方法, 有啲字當作已意會 (understood) 而被省略, 拆解如下:

「Something」 was [just] an old dress.
呢度表達嘅係 "one is all, all just one.", 而 just 喺呢度被省略咗, 意思係某事物是舊衫裙;

All [things] she had =「Something」.
呢部份嘅 things 都被省略咗, 意思係她擁有的東西;

因為 she had, 過去已經擁有, 所以係敘述舊事物, 相對用 was/were, 而且 There was only one old dress, 所以全句意思為: 她所擁有的東西只是一條舊衫裙。
2011-02-28 4:55 am


2011-02-27 4:33 pm
all was an old dress.(主句)解所有野是 舊衫.
all that she had.(子句)解所有野她擁有的.




參考: N/A
2011-02-26 8:31 pm
'All she had' is a noun clause.It is the subject of this sentence. 'Was' is the verb of the main clause.
If we use the word 'it' as the subject, it would be easier for u to understand.
It was an old dress.

When you use past tense, it means 'all she had'' at that time'.
You can also use present tense. In that case, it would mean 'all she has now'.

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