求中文翻譯成英文<藝術品簡介> 136字

2011-02-26 12:51 am
兔子移動城堡就像我小時候的夢想, 能擁有一間可移動的家。這樣便可以環遊世界。這個城市的靈感是來自香港密集的樓宇結構,縱橫交錯的天橋和馬路,層層疊疊的樓梯。而城市裏都擠滿了人群,表達出熱鬧快樂的氣氛。大家就像奔跑中的兔子既活潑又開朗,有著不屈不撓奮鬥的精神,快樂地迎接每一天。

回答 (2)

2011-02-26 3:02 am
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Rabbit Moving Castle is like my childhood dream, to own a mobile home. So that we can travel around the world. The city's inspiration came from Hong Kong intensive structural, and roads criss-crossing the bridge, layer upon layer of stairs. The cities are crowded with people, to express happiness lively atmosphere. We both like a rabbit running in the lively and cheerful, with an indomitable fighting spirit, happy to greet every day.
2011-02-26 1:39 am
The rabbit moved the castle to look like my childhood's dream, could have a transportable family. This then may visit the world. This city's inspiration comes from Hong Kong crowded building structure, spreads across over-bridge and street, overlapping staircase. But in the city the crammed full crowd, expressed the lively joyful atmosphere. Everybody likely runs the rabbit both vividly and open and bright, has the indomitable struggle spirit, greets joyfully each day.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:50:57
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