
2011-02-25 9:51 pm
句子:For instance, when the MTR's head of enginneering, Morris Gheung Siu-wah,talked recently about the crack found on a train track he said regular inspections would make sure we can identify early signage in this way .



回答 (3)

2011-02-26 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

如沒有 連接詞/引導詞; 1個動詞;
如有 連接詞/引導詞; 多個動詞;

(1) Peter is dancing.[1個動詞]
(2) Peter is dancing while Mary is singing a song.[1個 連接詞/引導詞; 2個動詞]
(3) Peter is dancing while Mary is singing a song which I like most .[2個連接詞/引導詞; 3個動詞]

For instance, when(連接詞) the MTR's head of engineering, Morris Gheung Siu-wah, talked(動詞)recently about the crack found(形容詞) [參考 (1)] on a train track, he said (動詞) [參考 (2)] regular inspections would make (動詞) sure [參考 (3)] we can identify(動詞) early signage in this way .

WhenMorris Gheung Siu-wah talked about the crack found on a train track, he said that regular inspections would make sure that we can identify early signage in this way . [4個動詞; 3個連接詞/引導詞]

(1)found(形容詞) : 發現的e.g. The words omitted are generally connecting words.

(2)直接引語是陳述句,變為間接引語時,要加上引導詞that。在口語中也可省略that。e.g. “He said that it was difficult.” = “He said it was difficult.”

(3)在以某些形容詞或過去分詞,如:sure, glad, certain, pleased, happy, afraid, surprised, satisfied的詞所引導的賓語從句中,連詞that可省略。e.g. “I am sure that I can finish it today.”=“I am sure I can finish it today.”
2011-02-28 5:04 am


2011-02-26 12:31 am

For instance, when the MTR's head of enginneering, Morris Gheung Siu-wah,talked recently about the crack found on a train track he said regular inspections would make sure we can identify early signage in this way .


For instance, when the MTR's head of engineering, Morris Cheung Siu-wah, talked recently about the crack that was found on a train track, he said, "Regular inspections would make sure that we can identify early (signs of such cracks)".


When MTR's hard of engineering talked about the crack,
he said, "....".

which/what crack? the crack found on a train track recently.
inspection to make sure what? inspection can identify early signs of such cracks.


原文來原:頭條新聞24/02/2011p34《又中又英》作者:Michael Chugani.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:37:24
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