
2011-02-25 3:38 am
点解5全球統一貨幣?, 錦可5可以減低通賬

回答 (3)

2011-03-01 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 因為冇一個國家/機構有公信力到全世界都信佢唔會亂印銀紙。或者係好多個國家仍然要用貨幣供應來調節經濟發展的急緩,由於每個國家發展不同,不能用單一貨幣來解決問題。

2. 多印銀紙的確可帶來通脹,但亦有其他原因的。

2011-03-02 2:29 am
Inflation is caused by many factors....
1.Demand pull
2.Cost push

IF 統一貨幣, can help a bit about 10%,
for e.g: all people have the same purchasing power with that amount of money they hold... so cost push can be lessened....
but it can do nothing to reduce the demand!

參考: me
2011-02-25 3:47 am

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