econ問題 PLZ HELP

2011-02-25 1:08 am
how do government affect the citizen's lifestyles in a country??
可唔可以講下政府比既福利 , 基礎設施EG,HOUSING,EDUCATION
最好用ENG 但最梗要LONG D

回答 (1)

2011-03-01 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In economic theory, the components of GDP are: private consumption , gross investment, government spending and net export.

When government takes action to improve the depressing economy, she may increase more expenses in the welfare and infra-structure. This may increase the government spending and promote the GDP.

Actually, government spending can improve the citizen's lifestyles. For example, when government decides to build an infra-structure, this may require more labours, the unemployment rate may decrease. Meanwhile, the construction may also require many materials, engineers and financial services, this may provide the supplier of materials, architects, banks opportunity to deal with the business so as to improve their operations.

Let me give one more example, if government provides more public treasury in education, more teachers can be employed, and relieve the parents' economic burden in respect of education. This can improve the quality of education in long term.

Therefore in conclusion, government spending can improve the citizen's lifestyles in a country.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:50:26
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