咁寫啱唔啱? (中轉英 )

2011-02-24 8:08 pm
我想寫既意思係, 附上月結單,希望佢盡快付 2010年嘅發票~

Attached please find the statement for your reference. Please kindly help to settle the invoices of 2010 as soon as possible.

回答 (6)

2011-02-25 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Attached please find a monthly statement for your reference. Please kindly to settle the outstanding balance for the year of 2010 at your earliest convenience.

唔好用 as soon as possible (唔禮貌, 個頭用 please kindly 跟手用asap. 唔係禁好.)

附上 .............. attached / enclosed
月結單 .......... monthly statement
發票 .............. invoices
2010年 ......... for the year of 2010

叫人找數 ..... 即是叫人找未找(清)的發票數 ... 唔係找所有發票... 故會寫 outstanding invoices / outstanding balance
2011-02-25 4:58 am


2011-02-25 4:34 am
發問者 : (1) Attached please find ... (沒有錯誤) (1) Please kindly settle ...宜改為 Please/Kindly settle ...
2011-02-24 9:40 pm

Please kindly settle the invoices of 2010 as soon as possible.
2011-02-24 9:39 pm
Attached please find the statement for your reference. Please kindly settle the invoices of 2010 as soon as possible.

kindly後不用help的,因為付錢是責任,不是要對方(客戶)幫你(公司)付嘛!就算是公司內部通知會計部向外商付錢都不用say help的。please已經是請請的禮貌了,加上kindly已是很客氣。如果是一間公司對另一間公司要求清數付款,連kindly都可以省去。看來你這是追數,其實最好附上期限,讓對方的會計預算,否則會拖得就拖。
2011-02-24 8:18 pm
你本身寫得不錯, 但1)Attached/ Enclosed will please find....才對 ;
2) ...help settle the invoices.......的help 字後不用 to 字, 要緊記 !
3) as soon as possible 亦可用 at your earliest convenience 替代。

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