
2011-02-24 10:25 am

1 .以下呢句句子既 "grammar " 或 "用詞 " 上有冇錯誤?
pronoun is meaning a substitute of somebody's name

2 .如有, 點寫先乎合 ?

3 .我想知係呢句句子入面每個字既詞性 ,如: pronoun(n.) is(vi)


回答 (3)

2011-03-05 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
pronoun is a substitute for someone or something,
besides, something means something what we can see and also
something that we can't see
Your sentence:
pronoun is meaning a substitute of somebody's name.

~ The word “pronoun” should be in capital letter; wrong tense; wrong preposition.

The verb “mean” is not used in present continuous tense in this case.
The phrase should be “substitute for”

Pronoun is a substitute for somebody's name. (單是純粹改文法與用法)

Pronoun is a grammatical word which is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.

Pronoun – noun
is – verb
a – determiner (indefinite article)
substitute – noun
for – preposition
somebody's – possessive of indefinite pronoun
name – noun



2011-02-25 5:01 am


2011-02-24 7:30 pm
Your sentence:
pronoun is meaning a substitute of somebody's name.

~ The word “pronoun” should be in capital letter; wrong tense; wrong preposition.

The verb “mean” is not used in present continuous tense in this case.
The phrase should be “substitute for”

Pronoun is a substitute for somebody's name. (單是純粹改文法與用法)

Pronoun is a grammatical word which is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.

Pronoun – noun
is – verb
a – determiner (indefinite article)
substitute – noun
for – preposition
somebody's – possessive of indefinite pronoun
name – noun

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:50:19
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