I want to sue my professor?

2011-02-24 5:31 am
Here is the story, there was a hugh snow storm at the beginning of the month, and the day after the school announce any class start before 10am were cancel, but the professor send us the email that the lab ( which is suppose to be cancel because it start at 8am, in addition the professor doesn't need to show up in the lab) postspon and continue at 10am. Because of it, I was stuck in the traffic for hour try to get to school and I got into car accident because of the bad road condition, I wonder if I could sue him for that?

回答 (15)

2011-02-24 11:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
nope because he wasn't driving the car
or cause it to snow
or didn't clear the roads

you drove you got into the accident there is only one person you can sue .. yourself
2011-02-24 1:35 pm
You are, I'm assuming, over the age of 12 if you are driving a car and have a professor...........and you honestly think you have any kind of case against him because YOU got into an accident.

How very funny...........thanks for the laugh
2011-02-24 1:33 pm
No. It was still your choice to go to class. What are you going to sue him over? Him telling you to come to class? That's not a case.
2011-02-24 1:53 pm
I think you should sue your elementary school for not teaching you even the basics of grammar.
2011-02-24 1:53 pm
It's not your professor's fault you don't know how to drive in the snow.
2011-02-24 1:47 pm
You could not sue him for the accident. You could not sue the school for the accident either.

The only legal thing you could ever do is if you somehow failed or got removed from the class for non-attendance due to an emergency. If this was the case you could appeal it to the school board, and after that could sue if you did not get a fair result.
2011-02-24 1:52 pm
Sorry, you would only waste your time and money trying to sue. Weather would be blamed and not the professor. I know... its not fair!
2011-02-24 1:47 pm
You could try but you would lose even if you managed to file the claim and get to court. In this case you have no one but yourself to blame. If the roads were in that poor of a condition, why were you driving? You chose to drive to class to make it to your lab and due to the fact you ended up in accident, it appears to have been a poor one.
2011-02-24 1:47 pm
Another sue happy idiot

Nope he was not driving you were and it was your choice to go
2011-02-24 1:43 pm
Don't sue. You will waste your time. However, show the professor the paperwork about the car accident so you are excused for being late or not showing up at all.

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