What is meant by "late and stuff"?

2011-02-24 2:53 am
I come across this saying containing "late and stuff", which is confusing to me.

"I come always late and stuff but when it comes to like work I tend to be quite organized"

"Stuff", to my understanding, is a verb and noun, but never an adverb or adjective, why can "stuff" be used with late? and what is the meaning of "late and stuff"? is that an Aus or US proverb?

Many thanks.

回答 (1)

2011-02-24 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is just a sloppy way of talking. The "and stuff" implies that there are many other things that this person does poorly or incorrectly. Stated properly, it would be "I always arrive late to scheduled appointments, and I have many other character flaws that I won't enumerate here, but when it comes to paid employment, I tend to be quite organized."

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