Can I get fired by my employer for something I said during my day off?

2011-02-23 7:03 pm
Ok, well, I never did actually say anything inappropriately to my employer, but my boyfriend and I had a discussion about it. He told me that if my manager ever decided to call me during my day off, I would have every right to ask her, "What the **** do you want?" (Exactly how it is written; rude and disapproving) To me, that is a little too much for my standards. I'm well aware that I should not even speak that way towards her. To understand and agree with my boyfriend, my question is, "Can you get fired for saying something like that?"

回答 (8)

2011-02-23 8:12 pm
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Yes you can get fired for speaking inappropriately to your boss. News flash you can also get fired for having an annoying laugh or any other number of frivolous reasons. Your boss does not need a reason to fire you and needs to give you no warnings whatsoever. At-will employment is a doctrine of American law that defines an employment relationship in which either party can break the relationship with no liability, provided there was no express contract for a definite term governing the employment relationship and that the employer does not belong to a collective bargaining group (i.e., has not recognized a union). Under this legal doctrine:

“any hiring is presumed to be "at will"; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals "for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all," and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work.

You should not listen to your boyfriend. What he's telling you would not go over well and your relationship with your boss would be changed forever. Your boss could let you go for not being a team player.
2011-02-23 7:16 pm
Tell your boyfriend to try it and see what happens to HIM! Of course you can get fired for saying something idiotic like that to your boss. It's called insubordination. And if someone is fired for that type of behavior, you can bet they will NOT receive any compensation from unemployment either.
參考: HR Specialist
2011-02-23 7:06 pm
In most states (unless you have a written contract) you can get fired for any reason at all -- or for NO reason at all.

I certainly wouldn't care to retain any employee who spoke to me in such a manner. Not because of the exact word they used, but rather because it would demonstrate to me that the employee is impulsive and shows *very* bad judgment.
2011-02-23 7:04 pm
Of course you can.
2011-02-23 7:46 pm
Good luck with that boyfriend. Hope you don't mind supporting him for the rest of your life because with that big of an attitude mixed with that little of a brain there is no WAY he is going to be a productive member of society. You'll be working for the both of you, so I wouldn't say anything to make my boss mad!
2011-02-23 7:06 pm
First, what an unprofessional and childish idea.

Secondly, of course you could get fired. Depending on the state in which you live, you can likely be fire for any reason (or no reason at all).
2016-10-16 9:02 pm
you're probably nevertheless on your probation era or your state is an "at wiil " one. meaning the emp. can fireplace you w/ little or no justification. in case you are the "new youngster" on the block assume to seize some flak. I even have labored many off days in the time of my working occupation and now and returned we only would desire to "roll w/ the punches"................ good success..... in case you nevertheless choose the activity you may attempt to talk to the administrative. bear in concepts, Cooler heads prevail !
2011-02-23 8:00 pm
Your boyfriend is totally wrong and sounds like kind of an idiot. You really should be questioning what type of a person would come to that conclusion and what kind of critical thinking skills he has. I'd think long and hard before allowing him to contribute his intellectual genes to any offspring you plan on having.

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