My boyfriends a bad kisser?

2011-02-23 4:16 pm
It's always really wet and slobbery and it sounds as if he is actually trying to eat me!!
I really don't like kissing him but I don't want to hurt his feelings.
I've tried slowing things down when we're kissing, but it doesn't do anything and i dunno what to do

I really don't like it:|
Any help?

At times it's really sweet and gentle, that's good and i like it like that. But when he's more...'in the mood' it's very...well it's the opposite really.

回答 (6)

2011-02-23 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Been there, it makes you feel kinda nauseas. There is no easy answer. You have to try to show him how to do better and if he can't you have to decide whether you want to keep him around and try to keep kissing to a minimal or let him go.
2011-02-24 2:31 am
Just find a nice way of telling him what you don't like, and how you would rather be kissed. Be specific about when you like his kissing, and when you don't. Be specific about what you like, and what you don't like.

Communication is key here.
2011-02-24 12:22 am
tell him you don't like it & teach him the ways of a pro lol.
2011-02-24 12:20 am
Dead honest, if he can't learn or does not want to learn then you have to decide NOW if this is something you can live with. Me? Not a chance in hell I'd stay with a bad kisser. A life time of bad kissing or no kissing? #$%^ NO!
2011-02-24 12:19 am
jus b honest with him its the best way to go
2011-02-24 12:16 am
I don't think so either lol.

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