
2011-02-24 7:22 am
意思大約: 請你於event完成後將所有椅子收回葵涌office, 我會安排運輸於3月7日收回歸還給Admin department.

回答 (6)

2011-02-25 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please kindly retrun all the chairs to Kwai Chung Office after event. I will arrange transportation to deliever the chairs back to Admin. Department on 7th March 2011.

2011-02-24 16:28:00 補充:
sorry typo .... return ..(not retrun) and ... deliver ... (not deliever)
2011-02-25 7:25 pm
After the event, please collect all chairs to the office in Kwai Tung. I will arranage the transportation to return them back to Administration Department.
2011-02-25 5:03 am


2011-02-24 7:05 pm
Please place back all chairs to Kwai Chung office upon completion of the event as I will arrange pick up on Mar 7th and delivery back to Admin Dept.
2011-02-24 1:56 pm
Please return all of the chairs to the Kwai Chung Office upon completion of the event. I will arrange the logistics for returning to the Admin Department on March 7th.
2011-02-24 8:29 am
Please send the chairs back to Kwai Chung office after the event and I will deliver to the admin department on 7/3.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:50:43
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