
2011-02-24 6:52 am
1.Drive somebody up hte wall
2.When there's a will, there is a way
3.Have your cake and eat it too
4.Don't try to teach your grandma to suck egg
5.I'm not myself
6.In a month of Sundays
7.Somebody's jaw drops
8.A fall in a pit, a gain in your wit
9.Put a sock in it
10.Misfortune might be a blessing disguise
11.Rome was not built in one day
12.Out of the ark
13.To prevent against a rainy day
14.Once in blue moon
15.Knock your socks off
16.Play the hole
17.Put your money where your mouth is


回答 (3)

2011-02-24 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Drive somebody up the wall
2.When there's a will, there is a way
3.Have your cake and eat it too魚和熊掌不可兼得(有得就有失,事難兩全其美。)
4.Don't try to teach your grandma to suck egg不要班門弄斧。
5.I'm not myself我煩透了。
6.In a month of Sundays很長的時間。
7.Somebody's jaw drops指吃驚時張口結舌的樣子。
8.A fall in a pit, a gain in your wit吃一塹,長一智。(指受一次挫折,得到一次教訓,就增長一分才智。)
9.Put a sock in it常用於命令句 意思是加把勁,加油幹/ 別說了,閉嘴,別囉嗦。
10.Misfortune might be a blessing disguise塞翁失馬焉知非福。
11.Rome was not built in one day羅馬不是一日建成的。(冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。)
12.Out of the ark極古老;十分陳舊;過時。
13.To prevent against a rainy day未雨綢繆。
14.Once in blue moon極罕見、偶爾、難得(偶然)有一次、 千載難逢(地)。
15.Knock your socks off使人感到非常震驚。
16.Play the hole (這個找不到,只找到以下)hole in one v. 一擊入洞hole-in-one 一次就中make a hole in 大量花費in a hole 陷入絕境 ; 為難in the hole 短少ace in the hole 最後的王牌
17.Put your money where your mouth is是一種不很正式的方式告訴別人不要說大話,不如用錢來證明他說的話是確實的,或者是拿出證據,或實是際行動來。
參考: @@****@@
2011-02-25 1:16 am
10.Misfortune might be a blessing disguise (Incorrect)

10.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise (Correct)
2011-02-24 7:35 pm
1) 壓力愈大,反抗力愈大;迫虎跳牆,鋌而走險;
2) 有志者,事竟成; 3)自食其果; 自作自受; 4)班門弄斧,自作聰明;5)我歡喜到得意忘形; 我感到不舒服; 7)順口開河;全無口齒; 8) 經一事,長一智; 9) 重拳出擊;
10) 厭惡帶來災難; 11) 成功非一日的功勞;羅馬帝國非一朝造成的; 13)未雨綢繆;

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